Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What's New, Bugaloo? Bus Radio!

Howdy y'all, welcome back for another helping of Bus Radio News. What do we have for you this week? MARSHMALLOW Blasters! They've taken over the office! We had an all out Marshmallow war in here. The carpets will never be the same... but man did we have fun! Check em out here!

And did you know that we have a whole section of the web devoted to every delicious minute of American Idol? All Idol. All the time.

Have you heard our interview with Chris Daughtry? Listen HERE!

Did you know that Girl Authority took over Bus Radio for a day? IT WAS SO COOL!

Do you know what's new with Zac Efron, Corbin Bleu, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale? Here's a hint....High School Musical is getting Icy!

Plus, we reviewed Jojo's new single and Hil-Duff's new single...see what we think HERE!